The Science Behind Penetration Testing: 4 Types of Pen Tests

September 27, 2024

Today, your business isn’t just running in the physical space; it’s also heavily dependent on the digital landscape. Your sensitive information, customer data, and core operations are vulnerable to a myriad of cyber threats that could impact your livelihood in ways unimaginable a decade ago. But how do you know if your company’s defenses are strong enough to fend off an attacker? That’s where penetration testing comes in.

Let’s walk through what a pen test is, how it works, and why your business might desperately need one—especially if you want to sleep better knowing your assets are safe.

What is penetration testing?

At its core, penetration testing (or pen test) is a simulated cyberattack performed by ethical hackers to uncover weaknesses in your organization’s security controls. Think of it as a real-world exercise that tests how well your defenses hold up against an attacker who’s trying to exploit your system. Pen tests can help you identify security vulnerabilities that automated scans or basic security tools might miss.

These tests are designed to mimic the strategies of malicious actors and can include anything from social engineering attacks to phishing emails aimed at tricking your employees. The goal? To find out just how easy it is for a hacker to gain access to your sensitive information.

How does penetration testing work?

A penetration test typically follows a step-by-step methodology that mirrors a cybercriminal’s approach to infiltrating your systems. The process usually starts with gathering information about the target system and identifying known vulnerabilities. The testing team then attempts to exploit these weak points to gain unauthorized access.

In some cases, pen testers might use advanced pen testing tools to automate parts of the test, like vulnerability scanning and data collection. But in many situations, they rely on human expertise to manually probe your system for security gaps.

The testing process involves stages like maintaining access once they’ve broken in, analyzing how deep they can go, and whether they can steal valuable data. Afterward, your security team will receive detailed feedback on what worked, what didn’t, and how to fix security flaws to prevent future breaches.

Who performs pen tests?

The job of conducting a pen test is typically left to security professionals with expertise in identifying and exploiting security weaknesses. These experts, known as penetration testers, are like digital detectives, using the same tools and techniques that real-world hackers employ. They work in close coordination with your IT team to ensure that any security measures put in place are doing their job.

Some businesses hire in-house security experts, but most rely on external cybersecurity services to handle the penetration testing process. This way, you get an unbiased assessment from people who have no attachment to your current security posture and can objectively find security issues that need immediate attention.

a person performing penetration testing.

Types of pen tests

Not all penetration tests are created equal. There are various types of pen testing, each designed to evaluate different parts of your business:

Network penetration test

Focuses on your internal and external networks by conducting a comprehensive analysis to identify vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit to gain unauthorized access to your system. 

This process involves examining various aspects of network security, including firewall configurations, software updates, and access controls, to ensure that potential entry points are fortified and any weaknesses are addressed promptly. By proactively scanning for these vulnerabilities, you can enhance your overall cybersecurity posture and protect sensitive data from potential breaches.

Web application penetration test

Focuses specifically on enhancing your web application security, making sure that your applications are free from any security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection flaws. This involves a thorough examination of your application's code, architecture, and deployment to identify and address potential weaknesses.

By doing so, it helps protect sensitive data, safeguard user information, and ensure the overall integrity and reliability of your web applications. Regular assessments and updates are crucial to maintaining a secure environment against evolving threats.

Physical penetration test

Evaluate the physical security measures of your office by examining potential vulnerabilities. For instance, assess whether unauthorized individuals could easily enter the premises and gain access to a computer. This involves checking entry points, monitoring systems, and access controls in place to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, consider security protocols for visitors and employees to ensure robust protection of your office environment.

Social engineering test

Evaluate your employees’ awareness by conducting simulated phishing attacks, where you send phishing emails designed to deceive them, or by attempting to trick them into revealing sensitive data. This helps identify potential vulnerabilities and educates employees on recognizing and avoiding such threats, thereby strengthening your organization's overall security posture.

Penetration testing services.

What happens after a pen test?

Once the penetration testing team has completed the simulated attack, you’ll receive a detailed report highlighting all the security gaps they found, the tools and services used to find them, and what remediation steps you need to take. Some issues might be as simple as installing a patch or updating your firewall. Others could require more comprehensive fixes, like revamping your network security or implementing stronger security standards.

Your security team will also get recommendations on how to maintain your system's security moving forward so you can continuously adapt to new threats. Testing often is key here; cyber threats evolve quickly, and so should your defenses. Regular penetration tests are your best bet to ensure your security posture remains strong.

Staying protected with Version2 LLC

When it comes to security, prevention is always better than detection and response. At Version2 LLC, we offer comprehensive security solutions that can help businesses safeguard their systems and data against potential cyber-attacks.

Our team of experts can conduct regular penetration testing services to identify vulnerabilities in your network and develop tailored strategies to protect your organization's critical assets. We also provide ongoing support and monitoring services to ensure your systems remain secure against emerging threats.

Penetration testing with Version2 LLC.

Final thoughts

Penetration testing is a crucial step in ensuring the security of your organization. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, you can protect your systems and data from cyber-attacks. However, it's also important to regularly update and maintain your defenses as new threats emerge.

At Version2 LLC, we are committed to helping businesses stay secure and protected against evolving cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive security solutions.

Frequently asked questions

What tools do pen testers use for security testing?

Pen testers use a variety of pen testing tools and security assessment tools to identify weaknesses in your computer system. These tools range from automated vulnerability scanners to manual techniques for exploring specific security features. The testing process often includes using advanced tools that mimic real-world attacks.

How does penetration testing improve application security?

Application security testing ensures that your web applications are protected from vulnerabilities like source code flaws or misconfigurations in the operating system. By employing different types of penetration testing, pen testers help detect security issues that may leave sensitive data exposed.

What types of pentesting are available?

There are several types of pentesting, each designed for specific areas of security. These include web application security tests, network testing, and security testing for both external and internal threats. Each type focuses on different parts of your organization’s data security strategy.

What does the pen testing process involve?

The pen testing process involves multiple phases, including information gathering, vulnerability scanning, exploitation, and reporting. This process typically uses both manual and automated tools to uncover security weaknesses. Penetration tests involve evaluating your security features and identifying false positives to provide accurate, actionable insights.

How often should businesses use penetration testing services?

For optimal information security, businesses should use penetration testing services regularly. Cyber threats evolve rapidly, and consistent security testing helps ensure that your defenses stay up to date. Many organizations conduct tests annually or after significant changes to their systems, applications, or infrastructure.